Tuesdays with Infoman


As I recall the first day I had in Information Management class, we were asked about our expectation in the class, and I stated that I really want to learn more about the IT world since it is part of my job as a Systems Admin. During the first day, our professor had shown to us various application systems that he would discussed for the whole term and gave a fully-loaded assignments. But I never consider it as a burden, the mere fact that I enjoy doing something new. As I started using the application systems, I thought it was hard to learn and to utilize because I know I am not a computer literate, but I have learned that I should have the willingness to study and explore these application systems that have been presented to us. And this willingness will help me to create good outputs and doesn’t require being a computer literate for it. Edraw mindmap is the first application system I installed in my computer, and this is for making graphs. Though I wasn’t enjoyed using this, at least I know how to operate this one. The best that I have learned in Infoman is using Prezi for making presentations and have applied it to my other subjects and even introduced it to our office. I feel like somewhat a computer genius. =)

The weekly topics that have been reported are a combination of the history and the future. I found it interesting as I can really notice how technology is being approached so fast. And enlightening us of the life will be after 10 more years, I think it will be very indulging and everything will be very easy for us because of the technologies.

The discussion went through out to be simple, painless and exciting. It was like playing yet learning. I defined it as “playing” because that was actually I felt when I was doing projects, like the use of Google Sketchup and photoshop. I was exploring these and I enjoyed them, then resulting for a good outcome (not bad for the beginner).

Partly, I like Infoman class because of my classmates and professor that really added the enjoyment of the whole course. They are all nice and fun-loving person as I could see it to them.

Thanks Mr. Infoman!

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