youtube links-top 3 favorite commercial videos


This is my favorite commercial since I was in my elementary days, and I love this video because it shows a lot of Filipino traits. One of the traits is taking care of our old relatives and we don’t like to leave them in Home for the Aged or any kind of institutions. We like to take care of them and show that we love our old relatives and this is also the way of returning our gratitude on them. Another trait is the word “favoritism”, which is very common to a family.  Each member of the family has its favorite child or grandchild or sibling. This commercial also shows that everything in this world might be forget by us as we grow old but what is remain to us is that the good things that we did for someone. And these good things are valuable and priceless.

One of the funniest commercials that I’ve only seen in youtube is this Sunsilk commercial. I like what the Doctor had said about having a beautiful hair comes with a great responsibility. The value that it portrays to us is humility. We must not be arrogant of what we have. We don’t have to brag the beautiful things we have, let somebody will notice it and praise it. Another value is that being beautiful is not just seen physically, what is important is how kind your heart is.

I chose this commercial because it made me smile. Even though it was a short video, it shows the attitude of most of the teenagers nowadays. The kids really enjoyed their camping and they were not scared of the bull when they saw it, instead it made them secretly liked it because they had this secretly intention to their beautiful and sexy trainer. Moral lesson: Never wear color red during the camping. hehehe… kidding! The value that I get from this video is taking care of yourself because others might get a wrong signal or impression about you. We don’t know what others will think about us so we better dress properly and act decently.

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